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Guidelines for Authors


Radiologic Science & Education is the official academic journal of the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences and is refereed by an independent Editorial Review Board (ERB) of eminent scholars in radiologic science education. Articles are accepted across a wide range of scientific investigations and research in subjects pertaining to the mission of the journal: to disseminate quality research and literature to elevate the practice of medical imaging and radiation therapy education.


Manuscript Submission


Manuscripts should be submitted to Dr. Kenya Haugen, Chair of the ERB, by email: The manuscript will be blinded and sent to at least two members of the ERB. Dr. Haugen will contact the corresponding author with reviews and recommendations approximately 8-12 weeks after manuscript submittal. A signed Copyright Stipulations statement will be requested by Dr. Haugen for all manuscripts accepted for publication. At that time, the Copyright Stipulation should be emailed to Dr. Haugen.


Copyright Stipulations


In compliance with the Copyright Revision Act of 1976, the following written statement must accompany all accepted submissions and must be signed and dated by all authors of the work:


​Upon acceptance by the journal of the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Inc., all copyright ownership of the work [enter the title of the submitted work] is transferred and assigned to the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Inc. I/We accept responsibility for the release of any part of or all of the material contained within the above work. I/We certify that the work submitted is original, is not libelous or unlawful, does not infringe on any common law or statutory copyright, and has not been submitted to another publication for concurrent consideration.


This copyright requirement does not apply to work prepared by United States government employees, according to its official rules.


Manuscript Types for Peer Review


  • Original Research: A peer-reviewed article that explores an educational topic through systematic investigation to add to the body of knowledge. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods methodologies are accepted for peer review. Must contain a title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

  • Systematic Review: A peer-reviewed article that critically assesses and synthesizes published literature and secondary sources about an educational topic. Must contain a title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

  • Case Report: A peer-reviewed article that details a unique education-related problem or opportunity. Must contain a title page, abstract, background, case description, outcomes, discussion, conclusion, and references.


Manuscript Format


  • The manuscript should be formatted according to the current edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style. For more information about APA 7th edition, visit:

  • The manuscript must be submitted in a common word-processing application, such as Microsoft Word, and include all attachments, tables, illustration legends, and illustrations unless these are submitted as separate files. Separate files must be labeled clearly, for example: "Smith Figure 1".

  • The text should be double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins, upper right corner numbered pages. Manuscripts should be approximately 6 to 20 typed pages with 10 to 14 being ideal.

  • The title page must include the first and last names and credentials of all authors with the department and institutional affiliations, job titles, complete mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, and indication for the single author who should be contacted for correspondence and reprints.

  • All manuscripts must include an abstract that accurately reflects the content with no more than 250 words.

  • Acknowledgments should be brief and should include sources of grants or other financial support.

  • References must be formatted in proper APA style. Journal names should not be abbreviated.


Reference Example: Journal Article with a DOI


Quinsten, A. S., Apel, M., & Oliveira, S. (2023). Remote MR scanning – A solution for shortage of skilled radiographers. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 54(1), 410-414.

Reference Example: Journal Article without a DOI

Talbott, T., & Konecny, L. T. (2023). Model manipulation and learning in higher education: Evaluation of a novel method of instruction for magnetic resonance imaging concepts. Radiologic Science & Education, 28(1), 31-38.

Reference Example: Report by a Government Agency or Other Organization

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. (n.d.). The accreditation process. 


Manuscript Publication


Once accepted by the ERB, the manuscript will be sent to Dr. Kevin Clark, Executive Editor of Radiologic Science & Education, for a final review prior to publication in the journal. All accepted manuscripts must undergo and pass a plagiarism check. Corresponding authors must approve the final proof of the manuscript prior to publication in the journal.


Scholarly Columns


A scholarly column addresses an educational topic in a less formal format compared to a peer-reviewed manuscript. Columns should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file, formatted according to the current edition of the APA writing style, and be at least 800 words in length but no more than 2,000 words. Columns should be submitted to Dr. Kevin Clark, Executive Editor of Radiologic Science & Education, by email: Columns will be reviewed by Dr. Clark and a member of the Publications Advisory Panel. Feedback will be returned to the corresponding author approximately 6 weeks after initial submission. Once accepted for publication, a signed Copyright Stipulations statement will be requested by Dr. Clark. All accepted scholarly columns must undergo and pass a plagiarism check. Corresponding authors must approve the final proof of the column prior to publication in the journal.


Letters to Editor and Editorials


A letter related to professional issues or articles published in Radiologic Science & Education are welcomed. Letters will be reviewed and selected for publication by the Executive Editor based on the relevance, importance, appropriateness, and timeliness of the topic. Letters referencing articles published in the journal may be published along with responses from the original article’s author(s). Letters should be submitted to Dr. Kevin Clark, Executive Editor of Radiologic Science & Education, by email:


Guest editorials and invited commentaries are also welcomed. These editorials and commentaries are invited by the Executive Editor and published in the journal as needed.



©2024 by Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Inc.

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